Edit /cm/local/apps/cmd/etc/cmd.conf
and add the following advanced configuration parameter:
# vim /cm/local/apps/cmd/etc/cmd.conf
AdvancedConfig = { "AdditionalSubmitHosts=<hostname>" }
restart CMDaemon
# service cmd restart
add the submit host in GE configurations
# qconf -as <hostname>
add the firewall rules to /etc/shorewall/rules to allow communication to sge master
ACCEPT net fw tcp 6444
ACCEPT net fw udp 6444
restart shorewall
# service shorewall restart
Install the GE packages on the submit host
(a) Ubuntu 14.04
# sudo apt-get install gridengine-client
# dpkg-reconfigure gridengine-client
(b) For RHEL based and SLES based distributions, the GE client package should be installed manually:
(on the head node)
(i) for RHEL-based distros:
# yumdownloader sge-client
(ii) for SLES-based distros:
# zypper install --download-only --force sge-client
# ls /var/cache/zypp/packages/Cluster_Manager_Updates/x86_64/
(on the submit host)
# rpm -ivh sge-client