SLURM Fair Sharing can be configured using the sacctmgr tool. The following example illustrates how 50% Fair Sharing between two Users, User1 and User2, can be configured
1. create a cluster for which you’ll define accounts and users:
# sacctmgr create cluster bcm
2. create a parent account
# sacctmgr create account name=science fairshare=50
3. create two descendants for the parent account:
# sacctmgr create account name=chemistry parent=science fairshare=30
# sacctmgr create account name=physics parent=science fairshare=20
4. enroll two users into the physics accounts with 0.5 of the resources assigned to each user:
# sacctmgr create user name=User1 cluster=bcm account=physics fairshare=10
# sacctmgr create user name=User2 cluster=bcm account=physics fairshare=10
The fair share configurations can be reviewed for a particular cluster as follows:
# sacctmgr list associations cluster=bcm format=Account,Cluster,User,Fairshare
You can also add additional limits on a particular account and for a particular user as follows:
# sacctmgr modify user where name=User1 cluster=bcm account=physics set maxjobs=2
The previous command limits the maximum number of running jobs at one time for User1.
You can export the created fair share policy to a file as a backup. The exported file can then be imported to other clusters:
# sacctmgr dump cluster=bcm file=bcm.dat
# sacctmgr load bcm.dat
The sacctmgr man pages has more on this.