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How can I get access to nightly builds of packages?

The packages you will find in the Bright repositories have gone through a QA process. Updated packages are released roughly every 3-4 weeks for the latest version of Bright. Older versions of Bright will receive updates less frequently.

It may be desirable to have access to the latest version of a package, before it has gone through a QA process. This is possible because Bright makes nightly package builds available for versions 8.2 and higher. Please keep in mind: these packages have not been tested and may cause issues.

The repository requires authentication. You may obtain authentication information by submitting a ticket requesting access to Bright nightly builds. Once you have obtained credentials, you can configure the nightly repositories as described below.

For Ubuntu:

Create a file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cm-nightly.list

deb http://updates-testing.brightcomputing.com/nightlybuilds/apt/cm/x86_64/9.2/ubuntu/2004/base/ ./ deb http://updates-testing.brightcomputing.com/nightlybuilds/apt/ml/x86_64/9.2/ubuntu/2004/base/ ./

Create a file /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/cm-nightly.conf

machine http://updates-testing.brightcomputing.com/nightlybuilds/apt login XXXXXXXX password YYYYYYYYY

For RHEL/CentOS:

Create a file /etc/yum.repos.d/cm-nightly.repo

name=Cluster Manager Nightly Updates
exclude = parted

Create a file /etc/yum.repos.d/cm-ml-nightly.repo:

name=Cluster Manager Machine Learning Nightly Updates
exclude = parted

The baseurl setting will have to be tweaked to match the Bright version, architecture and the Linux distribution version.

It is strongly recommended to leave the enabledsetting set to 0, and only enable the repository from the command line when needed. To verify that the repository has been correctly configured:

[root@demo4 ~]# yum repolist --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=cm-ml-nightly --enablerepo=cm-nightly

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
repo id                    repo name                                                      status
cm-ml-nightly              Cluster Manager Machine Learning Nightly Updates                   272
cm-nightly                 Cluster Manager Nightly Updates                                2512+65
repolist: 2784
[root@demo4 ~]# yum list --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=cm-ml-nightly --enablerepo=cm-nightly

To update a package (for example cmdaemon) from the nightly repositories:

yum update cmdaemon --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=cm-nightly --enablerepo=cm-ml-nightly

If necessary the --disablerepo=* flag may be omitted (for example to be able to pull in package dependencies from other repositories).


Updated on February 22, 2023

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