How do I configure Kubernetes to use NVIDIA GPUs on a Bright 8.0 cluster? Warning: this article is specifically intended for Bright 8.0. For instructions on enabling GPUs in Kubernetes for more recent versions...
Installing NVIDIA docker on Bright 8.0 Preliminary support for NVIDIA docker has been implemented for 8.0, deeper integration with Bright Cluster Manager is still a work...
Does Bright’s Kubernetes installation stick to open cloud standards? or:How can I verify that Bright’s Kubernetes deployment passes the official CNCF conformance tests? The CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation)...
How can I use GPUs with Bright Deep learning stack? This article is being updated. Please be aware the content herein, not limited to version numbers and slight syntax changes, may...
How do I expose a Kubernetes service to an external network in Bright 7.3/8.0? This article is being updated. Please be aware the content herein, not limited to version numbers and slight syntax changes, may...
How do I expose a Kubernetes service to an external network in Bright 8.1? This article is being updated. Please be aware the content herein, not limited to version numbers and slight syntax changes, may...
How to Deploy Spark without Kubernetes on Bright 9.0 and 9.1 with CentOS8 Deploy Spark using CMDaemon This example will deploy the spark master on the Head Node. All the workers will be...
Using enroot and pyxis in Bright Cluster Manager These instructions are not relevant for installations of Bright Cluster Manager 9.1 and newer. An integration with enroot and pyxis...
How do I ensure that the container images I run on my Bright cluster through Kubernetes are secure? Introduction This article describes deploying KubeClarity onto a Bright-managed Kubernetes cluster for the purposes of security auditing and monitoring. The...
How to run SLURM jobs in Singularity containers via Jupyter In this article we are going to demonstrate a procedure to run SLURM jobs in Singularity containers by Jupyter on...
Kubernetes: Limit GPU resource usage for a namespace About: This article contains Kubernetes resource quota examples for limiting GPU usage per namespace. For further information on setting resources...
Exclude lists for the DGX Docker nodes This article is applicable for the DGX nodes where Docker has been set up without using NVIDIA Bright Cluster Manager....
Etcd Backup and Restore with BCM 10.0 Prerequisites The following article was written with Bright Cluster Manager version 10 (10.23.09 or newer) in mind. We assume we...
Deprecation of cm-singularity and cm-apptainer packages The cm-apptainer and cm-singularity packages have been deprecated and will be removed with BCM 11. Upstream packages from or...
How can I disable weak TLS ciphers on the Kube-apiserver? These instructions were tested on BCM 10.24.11a and Kubernetes 1.29. By default, the kube-apiserver in Kubernetes accepts requests from clients...
How to enable container images deletion on local Docker container images registry A local private Docker container image registry does not allow deleting container images by default, this is the same behavior...