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  3. How do I configure Kubernetes to use NVIDIA GPUs on a Bright 8.0 cluster?

How do I configure Kubernetes to use NVIDIA GPUs on a Bright 8.0 cluster?

Warning: this article is specifically intended for Bright 8.0. For instructions on enabling GPUs in Kubernetes for more recent versions of Bright, please refer to the Kubernetes section in the Administrator Manual.

Kubernetes 1.6 allows NVIDIA GPUs to be used from within containers.

However, one GPU cannot be shared among multiple containers. This means that if there are 3 GPUs, then only 3 containers are able to run at a time, with each container assigned one GPU. Other PODs that do not require any GPU resources can still run independently.


  • You need at least one compute node with an Nvidia GPU;
  • You should be running on a Bright 8.0 cluster;
  • Your Linux distribution must be supported by Kubernetes.


Suppose that your nodes with GPUs are in the category gpu-cat and software image gpu-image.

Install the cuda package in the software image:
yum install --installroot=/cm/images/gpu-image cuda-driver

Install kubernetes with cm-kubernetes-setup. Select to run PODs in the gpu-cat category. At the end of the setup reboot the compute nodes in that category.
cmsh -c "device; foreach -c gpu-cat (reboot)"

Add a flag to the Kubernetes::Node role:
cmsh -c 'category use gpu-cat; roles; use kubernetes::node; set options "--feature-gates=Accelerators=true"; commit'


You can verify that the GPUs are detected by using kubectl describe node <my-node>:
kubectl describe node node001

under “Capacity” you will see the GPU:
  alpha.kubernetes.io/nvidia-gpu: 1
  cpu: 2

Then you can try to create a POD that use that resource:
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: gpu-pod
  - name: gpu-container
    image: gcr.io/tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    command: ["python"]
    args: ["-u", "-c", "import tensorflow"]
        alpha.kubernetes.io/nvidia-gpu: 1
        alpha.kubernetes.io/nvidia-gpu: 1
    - name: bin
      mountPath: /usr/local/nvidia/bin
    - name: lib
      mountPath: /usr/local/nvidia/lib
  restartPolicy: Never
  - name: bin
      path: /cm/local/apps/cuda-driver/libs/current/bin
  - name: lib
      path: /cm/local/apps/cuda-driver/libs/current/lib64

The idea is to mount into the container the cuda driver and binaries installed in the host. The container image we are using here comes from Google and contains TensorFlow. In the “resources” section we require an Nvidia GPU to be used, so that the POD will be scheduled wherever one is available. This specific image includes the mounted paths in the $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables, so the tensorflow python module will be able to access them.

Create it with:
module load kubernetes
kubectl create -f gpu-pod.yaml

You can verify that everything went well by looking at the pods:
watch kubectl get pods --show-all

If the pod terminates successfully, then the cluster is ready to go. Please refer to the “Bright Machine Learning manual” for more examples. You will be able to run them inside a container managed by Kubernetes.

Updated on September 28, 2020

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