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Why does cmgui only work with Firefox upto version 56.x.x?

For Bright 7.3 and earlier versions, cmgui will not work with Firefox versions higher than 56.x.x — why?

Starting from Firefox 57, only extensions developed using WebExtensions APIs will be supported on Desktop Firefox and Firefox for Android. As a result, Bright cmgui can only function properly on Firefox before version 57.

If updating software on an operating system that uses cmgui, then the only way to ensure that cmgui works without issues is to run a Firefox version 56 or less.

There are two common ways to ensure this.


The easiest option is to use the ESR (Extended Support Release) versions 56 and less, which a distribution typically provides and supports, instead of going for the most recent available version that can be picked up from the Firefox website.

Using the ESR option means that a Firefox of version 57 or higher should be removed, and the Firefox ESR version should be installed instead. This will install FireFox in the default location so that you don’t need to edit any files.

https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/ has further details on this.


The alternative to using an ESR version is to set up a dedicated Firefox. This can be carried out as follows:

For Linux

  • Download Firefox 56: https://download-installer.cdn.mozilla.net/pub/firefox/releases/56.0.2/linux-x86_64/en-US/firefox-56.0.2.tar.bz2
    ** Note: This tarball will not work with RHEL/CentOS versions older than 7 (e.g. RHEL 6, RHEL 5, etc.) because Firefox 56 requires GTK3 libraries, which Mozilla does not provide in the tarball, and RHEL/CentOS 6 does not provide packages for GTK3.  In that case, either choose option (1) or download a tarball of a Firefox version older than 46, which is about when GTK3 became a requirement.
  • Untar under the directory cmgui/firefox
  • Restart cmgui

** Note: it is also possible to use the –firefox option where you can specify the absolute path of the untared Firefox.

For Windows

For Mac OSX

Updated on October 16, 2020

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