The value of the “GATEWAY” directive in Linux’s /etc/sysconfig/network is determined as follows in a Bright cluster:
The value of the “defaultGateway” property of the node’s category is taken.[headnode]% device get node002 category
[headnode]% category get default defaultgateway
If the former is empty (not set or set to, then the value of the “gateway” property of the node’s management network is used instead:[headnode]% device get node002 managementnetwork
[headnode]% network get internalnet gateway
If the former is empty (not set or set to, then the IP address of the headnode on the management network is used as the default gateway as a last resort.
So, if the preceding properties are examined, then the value of the GATEWAY directive for the node or nodes can be determined.
The value of the directive can be set by editing the preceding properties. In addition, the value of the directive can be modified by editing the values of the properties. For example, a custom gateway IP address could be set for a node category.
The default management network can be determined as follows:[root@headnode ~]# cmsh
[headnode]% partition use base
[headnode->partition[base]]% get managementnetwork
and changed using the set command.
Static routes can be set for a particular node using the staticroutes submode:
[root@bright70 ~]# cmsh
[bright70 ]% device use node001
[bright70->device[node001]]% staticroutes
[bright70->device[node001]->staticroutes]% list
Name (key) Gateway Destination
-------------------------------- ---------------- --------------
[bright70->device[node001]->staticroutes]% add printerroute
[bright70->...*[printerroute*]]% set gateway
The Administrator manual has this and more on networking.