Adding an external storage mount point can be done via cmsh. This is described in the manual in the configuration chapter. In the example below nashost is the host name of the system on which the external storage is located.
[root@HeadNode1 ~]# cmsh
[HeadNode1]% category
[HeadNode1->category]% use default
[HeadNode1->category[default]]% fsmounts
[HeadNode1->category[default]->fsmounts]% add /home
[HeadNode1->category*[default*]->fsmounts*[/home*]]% set device nashost:/home
[HeadNode1->category*[default*]->fsmounts*[/home*]]% set filesystem nfs
[HeadNode1->category*[default*]->fsmounts*[/home*]]% commit
[HeadNode1->category[default]->fsmounts[/home]]% show
Parameter Value
------------------ ------
Device nas:/home
Dump no
Filesystem nfs
Filesystem Check 0
Mount options defaults
Mountpoint /home