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How do I integrate ldap-passwd-webui with Bright?

What is ldap-passwd-webui?

A simple tool, written entirely in Python. 
The original tool can be found at https://github.com/jirutka/ldap-passwd-webui
It allows the end user to change their password via a web interface.

To allow integration with Bright Cluster Manager, ldap-passwd-webui was modified. The modified tool is at:

The tool runs on Python 3, and was tested with Python 3.6.7
A requirements.txt file is found in the project. The contents mention the following version requirements:
bottle >= 0.12.8
ldap3 >= 2.0, < 3.0
configparser; python_version < '3.3'

Installation steps, into linux

To make ldap-passwd-webui work with Bright cluster, the following cert and key files need to be copied over from the head node into the project’s home directory:

The settings.ini.example file should then be copied over to settings.ini

An example of a settings.ini file that works with the default configuration of the cluster is:

[html] page_title = Change your password [ldap] host = ldapserver port = 636 use_ssl = True base = ou=Group,dc=cm,dc=cluster search_filter = cn={uid} # Uncomment if your ldap server requires client to present those files [tls] key_file = ldap.key cert_file = ldap.pem ca_file = ca.pem # Uncomment for AD / Samba 4 #type = ad #ad_domain = ad.example.org #search_filter = sAMAccountName={uid} [server] server = auto host = localhost port = 8080

When done, the tool can be run.

ldap-passwd-webui can run as a standalone web server:

python3 app.py  

The URL to reach the GUI is:


The README.adoc file that is included with the tool has further details about web server integration.

Updated on October 16, 2020

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