Please note: these instructions are relevant for Bright 7.3 and earlier releases.
Refer to this article for instructions relevant to Bright 8.0 and later releases.
1. Install required packages on login01:
a. login to login01 from the head node:
# ssh login01
b. install required packages on login01
# yum install cm-php-pam php php-ldap php-soap httpd cm-webportal mod_ssl
2. Copy required files from the head node:
a. copy configuration files:
# scp master:/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf
b. copy web interface certificate:
# mkdir /var/www/cert/
# scp master:/var/www/cert/webinterface.cert /var/www/cert/webinterface.cert
3. Set the correct permissions on the certificate:
# chown apache.apache /var/www/cert/webinterface.cert
4. Modify bcmlib.php to reflect the new change:
Edit /var/www/html/userportal/bcmlib.php:
$soapclient = new SoapClient("https://$host/wsdl/cm".$mode.".wsdl", $array);
$soapclient = new
SoapClient("https://localhost/wsdl/cm".$mode.".wsdl", $array)
5. Modify masterinclude.php to reflect the new change:
Edit /var/www/html/userportal/masterinclude.php:
define("CMDHOST", "localhost");
define("CMDHOST", "master");
6. Start the HTTPD service
# service httpd start
# chkconfig httpd on
7. Grab the changes to the software image of the login01 node:
# cmsh
% device use login01
% grabimage -w