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How do I install and use ospurge in Bright Cluster Manager 7.3 OpenStack?


The following packages are needed:

  • git
  • python34
  • python34-pip
  • python34-devel

You can install them with: 

yum install git python34 python34-pip python34-devel

The ospurge software must also be pulled into the head node. This can be pulled with:

git clone http://github.com/openstack/ospurge
cd ospurge
python34 setup.py install

After ospurge installation these python 3 packages must also be installed:
pip3.4 install os-client-config shade pbr typing 

Using ospurge:

ospurge is run from the head node.
Basic help can be viewed with:
ospurge -h
To purge a project by ID <project_id> or by name <project_name> the following syntax can be used:
ospurge --verbose --purge-project <project_id||project_name>

A user can purge his own project with his own credentials as follows:
ospurge --purge-own-project

The tool works over multiple domains.

Updated on October 26, 2020

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