The Bright 8.0 metrics system uses DCGM to collect metrics from GPUs. But DCGM doesn’t support older GPUs.
Not to worry, you can still get the metrics from them using NVML using the old metrics collection script, which is still installed by default on Bright 8.0 clusters.
1. Add a new data producer, which is the old NVML metrics collection script.
[root@virgo-head ~]# cmsh [virgo-head]% monitoring [virgo-head->monitoring]% setup [virgo-head->monitoring->setup]% add collection sample-nvml-gpu [virgo-head->monitoring->setup*[sample-nvml-gpu*]]% set script /cm/local/apps/cmd/scripts/metrics/sample_gpu
2. Add a new node execution filter. The data producer will only run on the nodes that have this “NVML” resource defined.
[virgo-head->monitoring->setup*[sample-nvml-gpu*]]% nodeexecutionfilters [virgo-head->monitoring->setup*[sample-nvml-gpu*]->nodeexecutionfilters*]% add resource NVML [virgo-head->monitoring->setup*[sample-nvml-gpu*]->nodeexecutionfilters*[NVML*]]% set resources NVML [virgo-head->monitoring->setup*[sample-nvml-gpu*]->nodeexecutionfilters*[NVML*]]% commit
3. Add a userdefinedresource to the GPU node(s) you want the data producer to run on.
[virgo-head->monitoring->setup[sample-nvml-gpu]->nodeexecutionfilters[NVML]]% device use gpu01 [virgo-head->device[gpu01]]% append userdefinedresources NVML [virgo-head->device*[gpu01*]]% commit
4. Demonstrate that the metrics are now being collected (using NVML).
[virgo-head->device[gpu01]]% samplenow --metrics | grep gpu Bar1MemFreeGPU 0 gpu 265 Mbytes 0.232s Bar1MemUsedGPU 0 gpu 2.62 Mbytes 0.232s DecoderUtilGPU 0 gpu 0.0% 0.232s EccDBitGPU 0 gpu 0 err 0.232s EccSBitGPU 0 gpu 0 err 0.232s EncoderUtilGPU 0 gpu 0.0% 0.232s FanSpeedPercGPU 0 gpu 2600.0% 0.232s GpuUtilGPU 0 gpu 0.0% 0.232s MemFreeGPU 0 gpu 11.9 Gbytes 0.232s MemUsedGPU 0 gpu 0 bytes 0.232s MemUtilGPU 0 gpu 0.0% 0.232s PcieReplayCounterGPU 0 gpu 0 replays 0.232s PowerDrawGPU 0 gpu 20.177 W 0.232s ProcsComputeGPU 0 gpu 0 processes 0.232s ProcsGraphicsGPU 0 gpu 0 processes 0.232s TempGPU 0 gpu 36 C