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How do I configure Bright OpenStack 7.2 with Active Directory authentication?

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Bright OpenStack 7.2 with AD authentication

This Knowledge base article describes the steps needed to successfully configure Bright OpenStack 7.2 to use the Active Directory/LDAP backend
It is now possible to configure AD/LDAP authentication from cmsh in a very simple way.

The LDAP backend will be used for the user/group identity and the MySQL backend will be used for role assignment.


Set the admin token:
# cmsh -c “openstack; settings; credentials; set admintoken ´openssl rand -hex 10´;commit”

Remove the SQL backend and add an LDAP backend and configure the LDAP backend to bind to Active Diectory, change the <LDAP URL> to the URL of the Active Directory server, eg. ldap://ad.brightcomputing.com. Then create a service user in Active Directory and set the username and the password:

# cmsh -c "openstack; settings; authentication; authbackends; remove sql; add ldap ad; set url <LDAP URL>; set username <USERNAME>; set password <PASSWORD>; commit"

Configure the attribute, objectclass, and the base dn for searching the user/group, eg. CN=Users,DC=bright,DC=com.

# cmsh -c "openstack; settings; authentication; authbackends; use ad; usersettings; set idattribute sAMAccountName; set nameattribute sAMAccountName; set objectclass person; set treedn <SEARCH TREE>; commit"

# cmsh -c "openstack; settings; authentication; authbackends; use ad; groupsettings; set idattribute sAMAccountName; set memberattribute member; set objectclass group; set threedn <SEARCH TREE>; commit"

Configure each service user and password used by the OpenStack component.
In this case each service user created in the previous step is used for each OpenStack user.
It is a best practice to use a user/password for each service, as is done by default with the SQL backend.
Retrieve the username/password pair, and create each user with the associated password in Active Directory.

# cmsh -c 'openstack settings; credentials; get cinderusername; get cinderpassword'
# cmsh -c 'openstack settings; credentials; get keystoneusername; get keystonepassword'
# cmsh -c 'openstack settings; credentials; get cmdaemonopenstackusername; get cmdaemonopenstackpassword'
# cmsh -c 'openstack settings; credentials; get glanceusername; get glancepassword'
# cmsh -c 'openstack settings; credentials; get heatusername; get heatpassword'
# cmsh -c 'openstack settings; credentials; get neutronusername; get neutronpassword'
# cmsh -c 'openstack settings; credentials; get novausername; get novapassword'
# echo admin && cmsh -c 'openstack settingscredentials; get mainadminpassword'

If just one username/password pair will be used, then change <USERNAME> and <PASSWORD> accordingly as in the following:

# (for i in {cinder,glance,heat,keystone,neutron,nova,radosgw,cmdaemonopenstack}; do echo "openstack use default; settings; credentials; set ${i}username <USERNAME>; home"; done; echo openstack commit ) | cmsh
# (for i in {cinder,glance,heat,keystone,neutron,nova,radosgw,cmdaemonopenstack}; do echo "openstack use default; settings; credentials; set ${i}password <PASSWORD>; home"; done; echo openstack commit ) | cmsh                                                

Assign the admin role to the user created before for the bright and service project, and replace <USERNAME> accordingly.

Note that if a different username/password is used for each service, then the step must be carried out for each user.

# export TOKEN=`cmsh -c 'openstack; settings; credentials; get admintoken'`
# openstack --os-token $TOKEN --os-url http://master:5000/v3 role add --user <USERNAME> --project bright admin
# openstack --os-token $TOKEN --os-url http://master:5000/v3 role add --user <USERNAME> --project service admin

Using the admin user created before in AD, log in to OpenStack and assign the project membership.

Updated on October 23, 2020

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