How to install Intel OneAPI Base and HPC Toolkits This document describes the procedure for downloading, installing and using the Intel OneAPI Toolkits on a x86_64 Bright cluster. Downloading...
How do I ensure that the container images I run on my Bright cluster through Kubernetes are secure? Introduction This article describes deploying KubeClarity onto a Bright-managed Kubernetes cluster for the purposes of security auditing and monitoring. The...
How do I add the Dell OpenManage tools to a Bright 9.2 Ubuntu 22.04 headnode? Installation instructions are available in the Dell OpenManage repositories. Dell OpenManage Repository The following example will install OpenManage version 11...
How to run SLURM jobs in Singularity containers via Jupyter In this article we are going to demonstrate a procedure to run SLURM jobs in Singularity containers by Jupyter on...