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Openbook with Bright OpenStack
[End customers may want to use OpenStack with a billing service. For this, Bright Computing recommends using Openbook from Talligent. Openbook can define cloud billing models for public or private clouds. The models can be simple flat-rate billing, or they can be much more sophisticated, including, for example, packages and pricing tiers. This article explains the deployment of Openbook within Bright OpenStack 7.2.]
In Bright OpenStack 7.2 a heat_stack_user role, should first be created, along with a heat domain that contains projects and users for stacks. The output from running heat-keystone-setup-domain should be put into the heat.conf file under the [DEFAULT] configuration section. The openstack-heat-api and openstack-heat-engine must then be restarted:# openstack role create heat_stack_user
# heat-keystone-setup-domain --stack-domain-admin-password=<password>
Please update your heat.conf with the following in [DEFAULT]
The file heat.conf can be updated manually or using cmsh. How to do it within cmsh is shown below.[headnode-7.2]% configurationoverlay; use openstackcontrollers; customizations
[headnode-7.2->configurationoverlay[OpenStackControllers]->customizations]% add /etc/heat/heat.conf
[headnode-7.2->configurationoverlay*[OpenStackControllers*]->customizations*[/etc/heat/heat.conf*]]% entries
[headnode-7.2->...->entries]% add DEFALT stack_user_domain_id 8bebaad4ef1b454b9a0b26b16cc7fb2a
[headnode-7.2->...->entries]% add DEFALT stack_domain_admin heat_stack_admin
[headnode-7.2->...->entries]% add DEFALT stack_domain_admin_password <password>
[headnode-7.2->configurationoverlay*[OpenStackControllers*]->customizations*[/etc/heat/heat.conf*]->entries]% commit
Assuming node001 is the controller node, openstack-heat-api and openstack-heat-engine services is restarted as follows:[headnode-7.2]% device; use node001; services
[headnode-7.2->device[node001]->services]% restart openstack-heat-api
[headnode-7.2->device[node001]->services]% restart openstack-heat-engine
To be able to deploy Openbook via Openbook heat template, you first need to get in touch with Tallignet via email in order to get share file credentials that are needed for running heat template itself and pull Openbook software during the heat stack creation.
How to do a CLI installation is covered in the openbook-heat github site (
How to do a GUI installation using Horizon is illustrated by the following Select Template and the Launch Stack steps:
At the end of the deployment the user can connect to Openbook. The necessary information, such as URL, username and password are displayed in the heat stack overview page.
After logging into Openbook, the user should first configure the Service Manager. This enables data to be pulled from OpenStack services, either directly from each service, or only from Ceilometer if Ceilometer is in use.
After some time the display shows items such as the top vCPU consumers, the top RAM consumers, and so on:
The official Talligent website has more documentation on using Openbook.