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  3. How to install Intel OneAPI Base and HPC Toolkits

How to install Intel OneAPI Base and HPC Toolkits

This document describes the procedure for downloading, installing and using the Intel OneAPI Toolkits on a x86_64 Bright cluster.

Downloading the Intel OneAPI Toolkits

The Intel OneAPI Toolkits can be found via https://software.intel.com/oneapi/ Select: “Get the Toolkits”.


  1. Select: “Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit”
  2. Select: “Download”
  3. Select: “Download the Toolkit”
  4. Select: “Get It Now”
  5. Select as operating system: “Linux”
  6. Select as distribution: “Online & Offline (recommended)”
  7. Select as installer: “Offline”
  8. Select: “Download”

At the time of this writing(2024), clicking Download provided a file called l_BaseKit_p_2024.0.1.46_offline.sh.

For the OneAPI HPC Toolkit, take the following steps:

  1. Select: “Intel® oneAPI HPC Toolkit”
  2. Select: “Download”
  3. Select: “Download the Toolkit”
  4. Select: “Get It Now”
  5. Select as operating system: “Linux”
  6. Select as distribution: “Online & Offline (recommended)”
  7. Select as installer: “Offline”
  8. Select: “Download”

At the time of this writing (2024), clicking Download provided a file calledl_HPCKit_p_2024.0.1.38_offline.sh.

The default install location for the Intel OneAPI Toolkits is /opt. To be able to access the toolkits across all the nodes in a Bright cluster, the following examples will use the --install-dir option of the above scripts to install it to a directory under/cm/shared on the head node.

Installing the Intel OneAPI Base Toolkit

The following command installs the Base toolkit in the /cm/shared/apps/intel/oneapi directory on the head node:

bash l_BaseKit_p_2024.0.1.46_offline.sh -a --silent --eula=accept --install-dir=/cm/shared/apps/intel/oneapi

Example output:

# bash l_BaseKit_p_2024.0.1.46_offline.sh -a --silent --eula=accept --install-dir=/cm/shared/apps/intel/oneapi
Extract l_BaseKit_p_2024.0.1.46_offline to /root/DEV/l_BaseKit_p_2024.0.1.46_offline...
Extract l_BaseKit_p_2024.0.1.46_offline completed!
Checking system requirements... Done.
Wait while the installer is preparing... Done.
Launching the installer...
Start installation flow...
Installed Location: /cm/shared/apps/intel/oneapi
Installation has successfully completed
Log file: /cm/shared/apps/intel/oneapi/logs/installer.install.intel.oneapi.lin.basekit.product,v=2024.0.1+43.2024.
Remove extracted files: /root/Downloads/intel-oneapi/l_BaseKit_p_2024.0.1.46_offline...

The install logs can be found in the directory:/cm/shared/apps/intel/oneapi/logs.

Installing the Intel OneAPI HPC Toolkit

The following command installs the HPC toolkit in the /cm/shared/apps/intel/oneapi directory on the head node:

bash l_HPCKit_p_<version>.sh -a --silent --eula=accept --install-dir=/cm/shared/apps/intel/oneapi

Example output:

# bash l_HPCKit_p_2024.0.1.38_offline.sh -a --silent --eula=accept --install-dir=/cm/shared/apps/intel/oneapi
Extract l_HPCKit_p_2024.0.1.38_offline to /root/DEV/l_HPCKit_p_2024.0.1.38_offline...
Extract l_HPCKit_p_2024.0.1.38_offline completed!
Checking system requirements... Done.
Wait while the installer is preparing... Done.
Installed Location: /cm/shared/apps/intel/oneapi
Installation has successfully completed
Log file: /cm/shared/apps/intel/oneapi/logs/installer.install.intel.oneapi.lin.hpckit.product,v=2024.0.1+43.2024.
Remove extracted files: /root/Downloads/intel-oneapi/l_HPCKit_p_2024.0.1.38_offline...

The install logs can be found in the directory: /cm/shared/apps/intel/oneapi/logs .

Installing the module files for Intel OneAPI Toolkits

The following commands install the environment module files for the OneAPI Toolkits in the /cm/shared/intel-oneapi-modulefiles directory, the standard way on a Bright cluster for making environment modules available on all nodes in a cluster.

Install module files to the /cm/shared/intel-oneapi-modulefiles directory and also create latest links to point to the latest versions:

/cm/shared/apps/intel/oneapi/modulefiles-setup.sh --output-dir=/cm/shared/intel-oneapi-modulefiles

Install module files to the /cm/shared/intel-oneapi-modulefiles directory and also but do not create the latest links:

/cm/shared/apps/intel/oneapi/modulefiles-setup.sh --output-dir=/cm/shared/intel-oneapi-modulefiles --ignore-latest

Example output:

# /cm/shared/apps/intel/oneapi/modulefiles-setup.sh --output-dir=/cm/shared/intel-oneapi-modulefiles --ignore-latest
:: Initializing oneAPI modulefiles folder ...
:: Removing any previous oneAPI modulefiles folder content.
:: WARNING: "/cm/shared/intel-oneapi-modulefiles" exists and will be deleted.
   Okay to proceed with deletion? [yn] y
:: Generating oneAPI modulefiles folder links.
:: oneAPI modulefiles folder initialized.
:: oneAPI modulefiles folder is here: "/cm/shared/intel-oneapi-modulefiles"

Create the module file /cm/shared/modulefiles/intel-oneapi using the following content:

cat << EOF > /cm/shared/modulefiles/intel-oneapi
## default modulefile
proc ModulesHelp { } {

        puts stderr "\tAdds Intel OneAPI shared modules to module environment"

module-whatis   "adds Intel OneAPI shared modules"
module use --append /cm/shared/intel-oneapi-modulefiles


Example of using a toolkit component

The following example show how to use the icx compiler by loading the appropriate environment modules:

# module load shared # (if not loaded already)
# module load intel-oneapi
# module load tbb oclfpga compiler-rt intel_ipp_intel64 mkl mpi compiler

Loading modulefiles version 2021.11

# icx -V
Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 2024.0.2 Build 20231213
Copyright (C) 1985-2023 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Additional Information

  • Multiple Intel OneAPI toolkits and multiple versions of toolkits can be installed in the same install directory ( e.g., /cm/shared/apps/intel/oneapi).
  • After installing a new toolkit or a new version of a toolkit, the modulefiles-setup.sh can be run to update the module files, as shown below:
/cm/shared/apps/intel/oneapi/modulefiles-setup.sh --output-dir=/cm/shared/intel-oneapi-modulefiles --ignore-latest
  • The reason for placing the module files in a dedicated directory /cm/shared/intel-oneapi-modulefiles is because during creation or updating the modules using the modulefiles-setup.sh script, the modules directory gets re-created.


Updated on January 24, 2024

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