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Power control broke after an iLO4 firmware upgrade — what now?

The Built-in Power Control is Failing After Upgrading the Firmware of iLO4 to version 2.30

Bright uses the locfg.pl script, which comes from HP, to do power control for servers over iLO for HP servers. The locfg.pl script is written in Perl. The Perl package which is provided from the base distributions are linked to the OpenSSL version that comes with the base distribution.

Upgrading the firmware of the HP iLO4 to version 2.30 while enabling Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) on SLES11 systems breaks the built-in power functionality in Bright.

# /cm/node-installer/scripts/ilocommands/locfg.pl -s -f /cm/node-installer/scripts/ilocommands/Get_Host_Power.xml
Error: Failed to establish SSL connection with .

The root cause of this issue is that firmware version 2.30 with AES enabled requires a newer version of OpenSSL that supports TLS 1.2, which is not available from the official repositories of SLES11.

Possible Workarounds

Disable AES: this is the most straightforward approach in case the base OS doesn’t provide an OpenSSL version which supports TLS 1.2.
Create custom power scripts which will directly access the iLO through ssh instead of using the locfg.pl script.
Build custom Perl version and link it to the OpenSSL version which supports TLS 1.2.
Upgrade to a base distribution which comes with an OpenSSL version which supports TLS 1.2.

Updated on October 23, 2020

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