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  3. How do I configure a generic node as an external DNS entry on the head node?

How do I configure a generic node as an external DNS entry on the head node?

A non-managed bright node is a generic device that is not provisioned or otherwise configured by Bright.

A generic device to be managed by Bright Cluster Manager:

  • has the name given to the device during addition automatically placed in the internal DNS zone, so that the device is accessible by name on the internal network. It is not accessible on the external network.
  • has its device status automatically monitored via a SYN ping
  • can be made to work with the health check and metric framework. The scripts used in the framework will however almost certainly have to be customized to work with the device.

After changing network configurations, a reboot of the device will activate the changes.

The file/etc/named.conf.global.options.include can be edited manually to specify
custom options for the options section of named.conf.

The generated zone files in /var/named all have an $INCLUDE statement at the end. You can freely edit the file that is $INCLUDED (e.g. /var/named/eth.cluster.zone.include).

The changes in these files will not be overwritten by CMDaemon.

For example for a file with internal IP address, FQDN: node100.cm.cluster, short host name: node100, the file /var/named/cm.cluster.zone.include can be edited on the headnodes

The line:
node100 IN A
is added. After that the DNS service should be restarted:
service named restart

To enable reverse mapping as well, a PTR record like the following has to be added:

100 IN PTR node100.cm.cluster.
in the relevant 43.168.192.in-addr.arpa.zone.

The exact name of the file will depend on the subnet bits.

Updated on October 30, 2020

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